Trinity College Dublin
In 2015, Trinity College Dublin (TCD) appointed Turnberry to undertake a Strategic Estates Review and an evaluation of its Estates Strategy. The university commissioned this exercise to inform the development of a masterplan and guide the subsequent implementation of a capital programme. The result was a suite of documents, which gave a series of recommendations for enhancing TCD’s long-term competitiveness in the higher education marketplace, and a corresponding set of recommendations to inform the next stage in the University’s growth, the commissioning of a Development and Infrastructure Master Plan.
Following the successful delivery of these reports, our work for Trinity College developed into a larger brief. This involved the preparation of a comprehensive Estates Strategy to guide the development of the College over the coming 15-20 years, improving the competitiveness of the estate and allowing for the effective implementation of the university’s Strategic Plan. The result was a clarification of TCD’s current space use and requirements, which will be used to advise future space needs based on growth projections, and from which efficiencies and improvements can be made.
Our work has already informed a number of briefs and strategies for individual projects within the University’s estate, such as the creation of an interdisciplinary science and engineering centre, and the proposed establishment of a technology and enterprise campus extension and Innovation District.